In November 2004, an extraordinary event occurred off the coast of San Diego that continues to intrigue and mystify both the public and the military. During routine training exercises conducted by a group of U.S. warships, an unidentified flying object (UFO), later described as resembling a “Tic Tac,” was detected. This incident, now famously known as the “Tic Tac” UFO encounter, has sparked widespread interest and debate about the nature of the object and the possibility of advanced, unidentified technologies operating in our skies.
The Encounter: A Routine Exercise Turns Unusual
The event began when the warships, including the USS Princeton, detected multiple unidentified objects on their radar systems near Catalina Island, about 100 miles off the coast of San Diego. Initially, these radar contacts were dismissed as glitches in the newly implemented radar system. However, after rebooting the system, the objects reappeared, leading the Navy to deploy F-18 fighter jets to investigate further.
As the Navy pilots approached the location, they observed a white, oval-shaped object hovering above the water. The object had no visible wings or propulsion system, making its sudden and rapid movements all the more perplexing. At one point, the UFO reportedly descended from an altitude of 80,000 feet to just above the water’s surface in less than a second—a feat that defies the capabilities of known human technology.
Eyewitness Accounts: Confusion and Alarm
Naval Officer Ryan Weigelt, who was stationed on the USS Princeton, recalled being summoned to the ship’s bridge, where he witnessed the chaotic scene as crew members attempted to make sense of what they were seeing. Weigelt observed the object on video monitors and radar screens, noting that the extreme speeds and maneuvers of the “Tic Tac” UFO would generate G-forces far beyond what any human-made aircraft could withstand.
Pilots involved in the encounter, including Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich, described the object as engaging with something below the water’s surface. This underwater presence was estimated to be about the size of a Boeing 737, and it seemed to be interacting with the “Tic Tac” in a manner that suggested intelligence or coordination. Moments later, the airborne object performed a series of evasive maneuvers before accelerating away at an…
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