Baron, who is well-known as one of the owners of the freak-fight federation Fame MMA, was released after giving his statement to the authorities. His phone was secured by the police for further analysis, and he was officially recognized as a victim in this case. This incident follows a similar spoofing attack earlier in the year involving another Polish public figure, Krzysztof Stanowski.
The case has garnered significant attention, not only because of the high-profile individuals involved but also due to the serious nature of the false alarm. The Polish prosecutor’s office has taken up the investigation, with a focus on identifying the individuals responsible for the spoofing attack. As of now, eight people have been detained in connection with the case, and the authorities are considering multiple charges under the Polish Penal Code, which stipulates severe penalties for causing public alarm through false reports
Phone spoofing vs. GPS Spoofing
Whilst we don’t know much about phone spoofing, we can talk about another kind of spoofing! Phone spoofing is not a dissimilar problem to GPS spoofing, an increasingly prevalent issue in aviation. GPS spoofing consists of transmitting a look-alike signal that GPS receivers will decode to place an aircraft at an incorrect position and/or time. GPS Spoofing is a 100% deliberate action. Spoofing can only be caused by…
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