The radio show “Coast to Coast AM,” known for its intriguing discussions on paranormal phenomena, recently featured an episode exploring the tantalizing possibility of a secret agreement between humans and extraterrestrials. The episode, titled “They Gave Us Alien Tech, We Gave Them Antarctica,” delved into the fascinating claims of Len Casten, a former U.S. Air Force member, who has devoted much of his life to researching UFO phenomena.
The Encounter That Sparked a Lifelong Quest
Len Casten’s journey into the world of UFO research began with a personal encounter. As a young man in the U.S. Air Force, he witnessed a mysterious craft, glowing green and gold, silently soaring across the sky. This sighting, corroborated by radar reports of unidentified flying objects, planted the seeds of curiosity in Casten’s mind. Although it would take years before he fully grasped the significance of his experience, it ultimately led him to join the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) and pursue a lifelong interest in extraterrestrial phenomena.
Alien Involvement in World War II
One of the most controversial topics discussed on the show was the alleged involvement of aliens in World War II. According to Casten, Hitler’s development of advanced weaponry, such as anti-gravity aircraft, was not achieved solely by German scientists. Instead, he suggests that the Nazis received extraterrestrial assistance, potentially from a malevolent race known as the Reptilians. This alliance, he argues, was aimed at world domination, with the extraterrestrials seeking to use the fascist movement as pawns in a larger cosmic game.
Operation Highjump: The Battle for Antarctica
The episode also covered Operation Highjump, a U.S. military expedition to Antarctica in 1946. Officially described as a research mission, Casten claims it was a full-scale military invasion intended to destroy a secret Nazi base. This base, reportedly discovered by British intelligence, was believed to house remnants of the Nazi regime, including advanced technologies developed with extraterrestrial aid. However, the mission allegedly ended in failure when the fleet was confronted by flying saucers, forcing a hasty retreat.
Eisenhower’s Alleged Treaty with Aliens
A significant portion of the episode focused on President Dwight Eisenhower’s purported meetings with extraterrestrial…
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