Students at Standing Rock High School explore Air Force and Space Force career opportunities | Space


BISMARCK, N.D. (KFYR) – Standing Rock Nation students explored Air Force and Space Force career opportunities at Standing Rock High School.

The students heard from alumni who inspired them for the future.

“There’s this whole world out there. And by them being able to join, they’re going to get that opportunity to see the world, to see anything that they can— anything that they can do and maybe bring back to the reservation here and help improve it in a positive way,” said Lalyn Hoosier, with the U.S. Air Force.

The Air Force’s Indigenous Nations Equality Team spoke about diversity in the military and how to break barriers.

“The military is open to everybody. There’s different ethnicities, different races, different cultures. And so being able to have that diversity— especially Native Americans— they’re going to get a different point of view, they’re going to feel valued, they’re going to feel heard,” said Hoosier.

Danica White, a sophomore at McLaughlin High School, was one of the students who got one-on-one time to ask questions.

“I say it was pretty cool because like not a lot of people come to the reservation. And like it’s really awesome experience, because like his show, like what are the things I can do outside of the reservation? And I’m grateful to be here,” said White.

White said her brother joined the National Guard because of the people who went to her school.

The students also looked at helicopters and saw people from their tribe who are in active service.

“I feel more inspired because I see more natives, I see more natives in— a lot more natives than I thought there would be in the Air Force,” said Braxton Demarris, junior.

The military personnel spoke about the high population of Native Americans who have served.

“For Standing Rock, we have had a proud heritage, proud history of warriors in our tribe. And so with, you know, the services, the military today, it’s like the modern warrior,” said Hoosier.

She said it…

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