Russia vetoes U.N. resolution opposing space-based nuclear arms | Space

Russia Vetoes Un Resolution Opposing Space Based Nuclear Arms.jpg

A 1967 treaty banning deployment of nuclear arms in space did not stop Russia on Wednesday from vetoing a U.N. resolution that would call on the world’s nations to not deploy weapons of mass destruction in space. File photo by Scott Howe/Department of Defense/UPI | License Photo
April 24 (UPI) — Russia vetoed a U.S.- and Japan-sponsored U.N. resolution, opposing the deployment of nuclear weapons in space, during a Wednesday vote among the United Nations’ 15-member security council.

China abstained and 13 member nations voted in favor of the resolution, but Russia’s veto prevented its passage, Politico and Axios reported.

Vassily Nebenzia, Russia’s U.N. ambassador, called the resolution “absurd and politicized” while opposing it.

“If you are following the rules, would you not support a resolution that reaffirms them?” U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield asked. “What could you possibly be hiding?”

The resolution would have called on the world’s nations to abstain from creating a space-based nuclear arms race, affirming the 1967 Outer Space Treaty that banned the deployment of nuclear arms or other weapons of mass destruction in Earth’s orbit.

The United States and Russia are among the nation’s that signed the 1967 treaty.

“Placement by a state party of a nuclear weapon in orbit would not only violate the Outer Space Treaty…


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