Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is the only object in the Solar system other than Earth with liquids on its surface. Discovered through telescopic observations by Christiaan Huygens in 1655, Titan has rivers, lakes, and seas of methane and ethane liquids, which follow an evaporation and precipitation cycle similar to the water cycle on Earth.
How often does it rain on Titan? Clouds are known to exist in Titan’s lower atmosphere. However, rainfall is challenging to observe from a large distance. Theoretical modeling suggests rainfall that evaporates before reaching the ground. There is also indirect evidence for rain based on the observed surface darkening after the passage of a large storm front, followed by a lightening of the surface several weeks later.
Are there fish swimming in Titan’s rivers and seas? If they exist and I had the opportunity to catch some, I would have avoided the temptation to eat them because of related health risks from methane and ethane, both flammable gases. However, the mere existence of fish or any other living organism on Titan, would constitute life-as-we-do-not-know-it based on chemistry in liquids other than water.
Finding life on Titan would have major implications not only for the prevalence of life in the present-day Universe but also in the early Universe. The surface temperature of Titan is 94 degrees…more
Source thedebrief.org
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