Henry Ford claimed the all-metal, three-engine airliner was “the safest airliner around”, and it was rugged, simple, and reliable. Over one hundred airlines from all over the world flew Ford’s “Tin Goose”, and the aircraft also found its way into military service as well as executive transport duties and delivering cargo.
The Stout Metal Airplane Company
Henry Ford and other investors purchased the Stout Metal Airplane Company in 1925, run by William B. Stout, and the company became a division of Ford. Stout had produced a monoplane, the 2-AT (Air Transport), an all-metal, blended wing, corrugated metal skinned, single-engine design using the Liberty engine. The 2-AT was the first all-metal American certified aircraft. The aircraft was dubbed the “Tin Goose” by the news media at the time. It featured padded seats, opening windows, and even a bathroom. Only eleven were produced, with none surviving today.
With the resources of Ford now available, the three-engine redesign of the aircraft was…
Source theaviationist.com
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