AF Secretary Kendall Flies In AI-Controlled X-62 VISTA at Edwards AFB | Aviation

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Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall flies in the X-62 VISTA in the skies above Edwards Air Force Base, California, May 2. (Air Force photo by Richard Gonzales)

Secretary of the Air Force flew aboard the X-62A VISTA to gain a firsthand experience of this unique aircraft. The X-62A VISTA integrates machine learning and specialized software to explore autonomous flight capabilities and other advanced technologies.

On May 2, 2024, Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall flew in the front seat of the X-62A VISTA. The purpose of the flight was “to experience firsthand the unique aircraft, which incorporates machine learning and highly specialized software to test autonomous flying and other cutting-edge capabilities.”

“The potential for autonomous air-to-air combat has been imaginable for decades, but the reality has remained a distant dream up until now. In 2023, the X-62A broke one of the most significant barriers in combat aviation. This is a transformational moment, all made possible by breakthrough accomplishments of the ACE team,” Kendall said in a public release.

During Secretary Kendall’s flight aboard the X-62A, the aircraft executed a range of tactical maneuvers while live agents responded in real-time to simulated threats. The flight involved completing specific test points within an aerial dogfight scenario to validate models and assess…


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